
Seal of Biliteracy

A few weeks ago, I was asked to speak at a celebration for the new Summit School District Seal of Biliteracy! I was extatic to be able to share my perspective of being one of the first years of full bilingual students to go through Summit High School with my friends, teachers, and community.

I was able to give a short speech (which you can read here). Our District 61 House representaive, Millie Hamner, was one of the cosigners on the bill that passed this year in the General Assembly in order to award the Seal of Biliteracy to students who have been working very hard in order to acheive this goal of being biliterate. I was able to get in contact with the office of Miller Hamner in order to get a quote from them on the importance of biliteracy.

I am very proud of everyone who was awared the seal, and for the guest speakers from The Peak School who were also able to share their perspectives!
Unas semanas atras, tenia el honor para hablar en una celebracion para el nuevo Summit School Distric Seal of Biliteracy! Estaba muy emocionada para compartir mi perspectivo de ser unos de los primeros años de estudiantes en el programa bilingüe entero con mis amigos, maestros, y comunidad.

Podia dar un corto discurso (que puedes leer aquí.) Nuestro representivo de Districto 61, Millie Hamner, era una de las personas que firmo el legeslacion que paso en el Asemblia General para haver que Colorado tiene una Seal of Biliteracy para estudiantes que han trabajado muy duro con el meta de ser bilingüe. Tenia la oportunidad de hablar con su oficina para tener una cita de ellos en el importancia de ser bilingüe.

¡Estoy muy orguyosa de todos los estudiantes que tienen el seal, y de los invitados de el Peak School que podian compartir sus perspectivos!

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